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Vinland Saga
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Dec 29, 2019 11:18 AM
Aug 2018
MetaKite said:
AzureFlame64 said:
Masterful episode.

Are you drunk or something?
Just trolling. I'm so sick of his type.

unfortunately for you, i'm serious.
Dec 29, 2019 11:20 AM
Aug 2018
IwaOi-KHRStan said:
one of the worst series of the century. Thorfinn is still a stupid, useless brat like he was 5. totally lack of character development, shit graphic of the animation. the end is completely without pathos.
0 /10 for me. i won't never watch the movie. this trash dies today for me.

Right... Maybe you should stick to Shounen for now, since Seinen is clearly too early for you.

I don't think the art is great, but music is very good. Also if Thorfinn is the one you are whining about then you didn't watch this show properly.

sure, a stupid useless brat at 17 unable to protect himself with his own hands, in a seinen... what a joke
Dec 29, 2019 11:20 AM

Aug 2017
Askeladd killed the king, went on a rampage and fucked shit up. Damn can’t believe Canute killed him... he carried the whole season and now Thorfinn doesn’t have any motivation but probably focus on Canute. Shit that stung, the one thing I didn’t want to happen, happened. Not how I wanted to start my morning. Many years were shed.
Dec 29, 2019 11:22 AM

Apr 2011
Such a perfect anime! Anime of the year 2019 for me! Love every part of it! <3
Dec 29, 2019 11:25 AM
May 2016
One of the most intense, gut wrenching finales i have seen in a long time. Who can think that fall of a knife can be character development to, absolutely brilliant. I am completely blown away!

Kudos to WIT and IG! And i can emphasize enough how stunning the cinematography of the whole show was. Too contender of AOTY.
Dec 29, 2019 11:27 AM

Jul 2019
How quickly Askeladd reacted facing this choice was so impressive. A death worthy of his character. Honestly, I did not see something of this magnitude happen despite the setup. Sadly enough, he had to die experiencing another one of Thorfinn's tantrums instead of falling of a cliff or dying instantly to a fatal blow.

Biggest selling point of this show was the scenario with the 2nd half and its focus on Askeladd and Canute definetly being more entertaining. 8/10
Dec 29, 2019 11:30 AM

May 2018
Sleep well Lucius Artorius Castus, you glorious bastard

Listen to your adoptive father, Thorfinn.

Dec 29, 2019 11:39 AM
Oct 2017
I feel the same way about it.
R.I.P Askeladd
cchigu said:
Excellent till the end. Askeladd waifu of the year.

Dec 29, 2019 11:39 AM

Dec 2015
IwaOi-KHRStan said:

Right... Maybe you should stick to Shounen for now, since Seinen is clearly too early for you.

I don't think the art is great, but music is very good. Also if Thorfinn is the one you are whining about then you didn't watch this show properly.

sure, a stupid useless brat at 17 unable to protect himself with his own hands, in a seinen... what a joke

Further proof that you should just stick with shonen jump. (No offense, jump is great, but you will eventually grow out of it)
Dec 29, 2019 11:42 AM
Oct 2017
"Full sails ahead, oceans painted red
When the soldiers of fortune hunt for pirates
No questions asked, we fulfil our task
Tones all turn grey after sunset

Slaying a man, taking what you can
What is right, what is wrong, who can answer?
Sailing the seas, we do just what we please
Emperors, pirates; all cancer

Hoist the sails! ‒ Wipe them out now
Kill them all! ‒ Let them die
Scum they are! ‒ Foe of mankind
Clear the sea! ‒ Show no ruth

We have no choice, it's you who are the bad guys
You've taken it all and yet you still dare to fault
Who are you to judge and to condemn us
Underneath the paint your flag is still black"
This series is just brilliant.
Dec 29, 2019 11:51 AM

Mar 2018
Amazing final episode to a fantastic show. The first half I was kinda indifferent about but the second half was an absolute masterpiece in my opinion. I'll give it a 9/10 but it's very very close to a 10/10
Dec 29, 2019 11:52 AM

Jul 2014
This show has had a few bumps along the way, but it's also had a few episodes that can only be described as fantastic, and this finale was one of those. The direction was excellent and Askeladd's intense rage, along with Thorfinn's absolute agony, were captured perfectly in some of the most intense scenes I've seen in an anime. There's few words that can really do the excellence of this final episode justice.

Overall, this was one of my three contenders for anime of the year, with some of the best individual episodes I've seen in a long time, but the barren stretch from around episode 11 to around episode 18 (village massacre notwithstanding) meant it just fell short of that.

Here's hoping we get a second season, but whatever happens I'll be picking up the manga in the meantime.

Dec 29, 2019 11:54 AM
Aug 2018
IwaOi-KHRStan said:

sure, a stupid useless brat at 17 unable to protect himself with his own hands, in a seinen... what a joke

Further proof that you should just stick with shonen jump. (No offense, jump is great, but you will eventually grow out of it)

a seinen should be mature, and i don't see thorfinn as a mature character. for me, all the characters in this show are negative, thorfinn being the first of them.
a children disobeying his own father first, then not to be able to grow up and living only according his own dream. seinen is for adult, thorfinn is not an adult. it's a weak point.
and i don't have to explain to gave the same score to a shit fanservice like bokuben and a masterpiece of the century like dororo.
so, goodbye. i have already explained everything.
Dec 29, 2019 11:55 AM

Feb 2015
I really liked the balls Askeladd had, his scene, but this series as a whole has left me whelmed and disappointed. Especially since there are effectively no interesting characters left. The two reviews rating this series as average couldn't summarize the problems I have better. Especially @XHellLyterX's. Though, none really touched on how this is that brand of "seinen" that isn't "real seinen", it just has "mature" things like rape, murder, etc. A distinction without too much a difference, but one that irritates me nonetheless
YautjaDec 29, 2019 12:13 PM
Dec 29, 2019 11:55 AM

Aug 2018
IwaOi-KHRStan said:

Right... Maybe you should stick to Shounen for now, since Seinen is clearly too early for you.

I don't think the art is great, but music is very good. Also if Thorfinn is the one you are whining about then you didn't watch this show properly.

sure, a stupid useless brat at 17 unable to protect himself with his own hands, in a seinen... what a joke
Yes, he's an idiot who grew up with the sole purpose in life of getting revenge for his dad's death. If it was a shounen he'd be succeeding, but it's seinen so he gets shit on every step of the way and eventually fails. Now with the sole purpose of his life taken away he's finally forced to grow. Of course he's a stupid spoiled child, that's the whole point. And that's why it's so entertaining to see him get shit on.
Dec 29, 2019 12:01 PM

Aug 2019
Omfg. What a finale. I feel blessed to have watched this masterpiece of a series. Such an epic conclusion

The only thing that made me kind of sad is that thorkinn didn't get to kill askeladd, but I think that in that scenario they were in it just wasn't appropriate for him to do so.

The last bit with the flashbacks on the sword... oh, my god.

Anime of the year without a doubt! 10/10
Dec 29, 2019 12:01 PM
Aug 2018
eglepe said:
IwaOi-KHRStan said:

sure, a stupid useless brat at 17 unable to protect himself with his own hands, in a seinen... what a joke
Yes, he's an idiot who grew up with the sole purpose in life of getting revenge for his dad's death. If it was a shounen he'd be succeeding, but it's seinen so he gets shit on every step of the way and eventually fails. Now with the sole purpose of his life taken away he's finally forced to grow. Of course he's a stupid spoiled child, that's the whole point. And that's why it's so entertaining to see him get shit on.

for you, and you have my respect for it. i found it boring and annoying all the time, not entertaining at all. i can't find entertaining at all a useless brat who is unable to evolve. thwe worst thing you can do is falling and giving up, as he does each time. he's not able to recover alone, and it's a bad thing.
Dec 29, 2019 12:02 PM

Aug 2013
Who were those characters supposed to be at the end, mainly the guy on the boat?
- The legendary Courier
Dec 29, 2019 12:03 PM

Aug 2019
Good end to the series. Hoping we get a 2nd season.

1st half of the series was an 8 out of 10.
2nd half a 9 of out 10.

Overall, I'd give it a 9.
Dec 29, 2019 12:04 PM
May 2015
AAAAND IT STICKS THE LANDING! Vinland Saga is easily anime of the year for me and now one of my favorites of all time. I am floored. ASKELAAAAAD FOREVER!!!

The 2nd anime I'm giving a 10/10 alongside Legend of the Galactic Heroes 😭😭😭
Dec 29, 2019 12:06 PM
May 2017
I loved the final episode. So many tearjerking scenes and unexpected character reactions. I do hope we'll get a 2nd season.
Dec 29, 2019 12:06 PM

Aug 2019
fabled_courier said:
Who were those characters supposed to be at the end, mainly the guy on the boat?

Foreshadowing characters who appear later in the manga.
Dec 29, 2019 12:13 PM

Mar 2014
Waited 7 years to experience this wonderful story animated and i feel a little empty now that the season is over but what a magnificent ride it was. Wit's Studio (for the most part) greatly exceeded my expectations and managed to portray, with a lot of passion, why the Vinland Saga manga is considered among the greatest and often compared to genre classics such as Berserk, Vagabond and Kingdom.

One of the biggest challenges a filmmaker has is how to portray emotions since movies (or in this cased anime series) are made up of images in movement that display actions, yet this story accomplishes that with such deep and compelliing characterization, this story feels human, it feels real. I keep hearing, not only on these forums, how much Vinland makes people cry and be on the edge of their seats.

I really hope this trend of animating good seinens with solid stories continues instead of the oversupply of generic and mediocre shounen shows and that insipid new isekai trend that's been plaguing anime for recent years. 20th Century Boys, Vagabond, Real, Shamo, hell give us a proper Berserk and Kingdom anime for once, that would make us older audiences, who grew up with 80's 90's anime, happy.

Fitting end to one the best characters ever written and for the best anime of 2019 (only AOTs3p2 comes close). I would also give this anime the best sound direction in the year thanks to the great job done by the VA and the wonderful yet subtle soundtrack used in the perfect occasions (they know when to use silence and not just plague each scene with music) For those that truly enjoyed the show i would recommend you pick up the manga and re-read the prologue, there's a couple of details that were skipped in the anime that are worth of your time.

And @MODS please put some order, before us users are forced to go all Askeladd mode on these attention seeking parasite trolls who got nothing better to do with their lives that come to these subforums to stir the pot and downgrade the votes.

Dec 29, 2019 12:14 PM

Jan 2018
This anime is a complete masterpiece. Anime of the decade.
Dec 29, 2019 12:24 PM

Jan 2019
Great payoff episode. Askeladd finally reaches his end, but unfortunately it's not at the hands of Thorfinn. The flashes of moments in the show reflected on the dagger really hit it for me. Was kinda surprised Thorkell didn't say anything to Thorfinn at the end. I was kind of expecting a "you're a disappointment compared to Thors" shpiel when Thorfinn went crazy, but I guess just seeing him off without saying anything is disappointment enough.
Dec 29, 2019 12:25 PM
Jul 2019
My mind is fucking blown. Fuck me that ending. I knew Askeladd was destined to die but for him to kill the king then die in such a way in the same setting, this just blows the mind of anyone seeing this. What an amazingly well written character. One of my most favorite anime characters ever. Ever thing written about him was glorious, from his backstory to his life and his death. 10/10 writing this.

Was going to keep it at 9/10 for the series but fuck it, 10/10 for me.
Dec 29, 2019 12:25 PM
Oct 2018
I'm the happiest person in the world.
Thanks to everyone who worked on this dream anime of mine, couldn't ask for a better adaptation
Dec 29, 2019 12:25 PM
Nov 2007
The last episode saved it for me. I was gong to give it 6, since I disliked the pacing. I loved the Manga but felt the anime was missing something. I still feel that way, but the last episode reminded me why I loved manga to begin with. I gave it 8, but I still think that overall show was disappointment, so i don't even care about 2nd season. The picks of the show were amazing, but then there was long lows. The fanboys are claiming that it's world building or character building, but they never do anything with that. Good show, but considering the expectations disappointing. The Rise of the bookworm and Beastars are the best of this season so far.
Dec 29, 2019 12:26 PM

Aug 2017
IwaOi-KHRStan said:
eglepe said:
Yes, he's an idiot who grew up with the sole purpose in life of getting revenge for his dad's death. If it was a shounen he'd be succeeding, but it's seinen so he gets shit on every step of the way and eventually fails. Now with the sole purpose of his life taken away he's finally forced to grow. Of course he's a stupid spoiled child, that's the whole point. And that's why it's so entertaining to see him get shit on.

for you, and you have my respect for it. i found it boring and annoying all the time, not entertaining at all. i can't find entertaining at all a useless brat who is unable to evolve. thwe worst thing you can do is falling and giving up, as he does each time. he's not able to recover alone, and it's a bad thing.

Heh funny to mention respect cause after your little "rants" no one here is ever gonna have a shred of that for you. XD
I used to be a watchmaker.
Dec 29, 2019 12:29 PM

Sep 2017
I'm floored. What an impeccable final episode for a phenomenal series. I literally screamed when Askkeladd just lopped the kings head off. So incredible. Plz season 2 at some point. Almost want to give this a 10/10 but I think I'll stick with 9 for now.
Dec 29, 2019 12:29 PM

May 2014
Yautja said:
I really liked the balls Askeladd had, his scene, but this series as a whole has left me whelmed and disappointed. Especially since there are effectively no interesting characters left. The two reviews rating this series as average couldn't summarize the problems I have better. Especially @XHellLyterX's. Though, none really touched on how this is that brand of "seinen" that isn't "real seinen", it just has "mature" things like rape, murder, etc. A distinction without too much a difference, but one that irritates me nonetheless

Good point! And I get what you mean At least I think I do lol. The anime itself definitely felt more like a shounen to me, just with the addition of a few particularly mature sequences to give the illusion that the show's a lot darker and deeper than it really is. Well, that's what I think anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dec 29, 2019 12:32 PM
Mar 2019
IwaOi-KHRStan said:
one of the worst series of the century. Thorfinn is still a stupid, useless brat like he was 5. totally lack of character development, shit graphic of the animation. the end is completely without pathos.
0 /10 for me. i won't never watch the movie. this trash dies today for me.

You drop your brain somewhere, kid
Dec 29, 2019 12:35 PM
Nov 2016
This episode surpassed the manga.Everything was perfect: the soundtracks, the animation and the story itself.AskeDAD is the anime character of the year.At the end, we caught glimpse of some characters we'll meet in Farmland Arc, so maybe this is a hint that WIT will also do the second season.
Dec 29, 2019 12:39 PM

Jul 2014
XHellLyterX said:
Yautja said:
I really liked the balls Askeladd had, his scene, but this series as a whole has left me whelmed and disappointed. Especially since there are effectively no interesting characters left. The two reviews rating this series as average couldn't summarize the problems I have better. Especially @XHellLyterX's. Though, none really touched on how this is that brand of "seinen" that isn't "real seinen", it just has "mature" things like rape, murder, etc. A distinction without too much a difference, but one that irritates me nonetheless

Good point! And I get what you mean At least I think I do lol. The anime itself definitely felt more like a shounen to me, just with the addition of a few particularly mature sequences to give the illusion that the show's a lot darker and deeper than it really is. Well, that's what I think anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

People who find the show to be juvenile just for its violence and brutality (which I would completely disagree with) will find the next arc to be more their taste and truly "earn" its seinen label if S1 didnt already.
Dec 29, 2019 12:41 PM

Feb 2019
I thought nothing would hit me harder than the ending of Code Geass. I was wrong. Season 2 needs to have an announcment.
Dec 29, 2019 12:41 PM
Aug 2019
UglyBarnacle said:
XHellLyterX said:

Good point! And I get what you mean At least I think I do lol. The anime itself definitely felt more like a shounen to me, just with the addition of a few particularly mature sequences to give the illusion that the show's a lot darker and deeper than it really is. Well, that's what I think anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

People who find the show to be juvenile just for its violence and brutality (which I would completely disagree with) will find the next arc to be more their taste and truly "earn" its seinen label if S1 didnt already.

The more seinen parts of this Arc were taken out to make it viewable on TV
Dec 29, 2019 12:44 PM
Aug 2019
Is the score glitched or is it really at a 8.69? The rank still says #65
Dec 29, 2019 12:45 PM
Jul 2019
I don't think Askeladd's death was that unpredictable. I mean the preview of the episode literally said "A shocking ending to the man who gave his all" or something, so he had death flags all over him for this episode. He was destined to die, and it's logical that it won't be on the hands of Thorfinn as it won't help his character develop if he achieved his target by now and this is supposed to be just a "prologue".

The totally mind blowing thing is how he killed the king and the circumstances of his death. Totally unexpected. I expected it to be in a strategic way then Canute killing him as revenge for Ragnar or something. The way this went, how he suddenly insulted the king then beheaded him. Holy shit this was ridiculous. Incredible writing that exceeds all expectations.
Dec 29, 2019 12:51 PM

Nov 2018
they foreshadow next arc characters :'')
Dec 29, 2019 1:13 PM
Jul 2019
EchoAnEternity said:
Is the score glitched or is it really at a 8.69? The rank still says #65

Jumped to 47 now. I guess many are giving it 10s now, just like me. :D
Dec 29, 2019 1:16 PM

Jun 2015
Yautja said:
I really liked the balls Askeladd had, his scene, but this series as a whole has left me whelmed and disappointed. Especially since there are effectively no interesting characters left. The two reviews rating this series as average couldn't summarize the problems I have better. Especially @XHellLyterX's. Though, none really touched on how this is that brand of "seinen" that isn't "real seinen", it just has "mature" things like rape, murder, etc. A distinction without too much a difference, but one that irritates me nonetheless

Stop thinking too much about demographics. In the Beastars episode you said Beastars should be seinen because seinen = mature themes and now in Vinland just because we have action sometimes = shounen. This is not how it works, lmao.
Dec 29, 2019 1:16 PM

Mar 2011
this finale made me give this show a 10/10. i couldn't have asked for a better ending to the prologue. it's been a while since an anime made me cry, but askeladd's last words combined with that damn music made me lose it.

sure there were a few things about the anime that i wish were better, but there were also things that really surprised me that i loved. i hold the manga in such a high regard, i truly think it is a berserk/vagabond-level classic epic, and the anime did it justice. overall, this story is one of the best i've ever experienced.

and i literally couldn't stop smiling when they showed hints of hild, gudrid, and einar at the end -- i heard rumors that this might not get a season 2, but now i have hope!! i want to see thofinn's journey continue until the end
Dec 29, 2019 1:18 PM
Jul 2018
Honestly in the first half I was like alright this is pretty cool...

but oh man that 2nd half is something special. What an amazing watch!

RIP Askeladd. Such a legendary character, the way it all ended solidified his awesomeness for me. Saved Wales and Canute, while also going out like a total badass. One of my favorite characters of all time.

9/10 - Best anime I've seen this year ( time to read the manga :O )
Dec 29, 2019 1:22 PM
Aug 2019
el3mel said:
EchoAnEternity said:
Is the score glitched or is it really at a 8.69? The rank still says #65

Jumped to 47 now. I guess many are giving it 10s now, just like me. :D

Lol, yeah I just saw that. As a manga reader I’m happy it getting into the 8.7’s. It’s what I wanted sense the season started.
Dec 29, 2019 1:22 PM

Dec 2013
In the end Canute was the one who killed Askeladd. All the years spent on revenge have gone to waste. His expression at the end hurt.

Sad to see Askeladd go. He will be missed.

The prologue is finally over! I really hope we get a season 2 of this show.
Dec 29, 2019 1:32 PM

Mar 2011
Govava said:
To everybody complaining about Thorfinn for not having "any character development": it's called negative character development and is more complex.

that's true! when done well (which it is in this story), it definitely adds a very realistic element. more often then not, humans don't always learn from their mistakes. his obsession with revenge destroyed his life and he didn't realize it -- and it may be obvious from the outside, but when you're the one in that situation, it's not easy to see. that makes his character that much more complex and real, especially when we consider his trauma, how he grew up, and how alone he truly was for years.

thorfinn's journey in the prologue was not an upward arc, it was a simply a descent into revenge... and now that his revenge has been taken from him, he's at his lowest, so he finally must learn from his mistakes after this point. i think many people don't realize that this season is just the beginning of thorfinn's character arc, so they expect in 24 episodes for him to have a full turnaround.

Dec 29, 2019 1:35 PM

Feb 2015
Ottes said:

Stop thinking too much about demographics. In the Beastars episode you said Beastars should be seinen because seinen = mature themes and now in Vinland just because we have action sometimes = shounen. This is not how it works, lmao.

That's because that's not what I said at all, but an abhorrent straw-man. I said Beastars wasn't shounen and was either seinen or neither for a laundry list of reasons across multiple threads. I in absolutely no way said action = shounen (in fact, that is the opposite of what I've said). And in this thread I put the quotes around word mature for a reason, genius. It was sarcasm. Those things do not make something mature or seinen. That's literally the point of the comment you're quoting.

UglyBarnacle said:

People who find the show to be juvenile just for its violence and brutality (which I would completely disagree with) will find the next arc to be more their taste and truly "earn" its seinen label if S1 didnt already.
It's not that the violence or brutality is juvenile, it's that it's being used as a mask to give an air of maturity. Having violence, rape, murder, gore or whatever doesn't make something mature or appeal to an older audience, they're just things that are not typically appropriate for younger audiences; just because A != B, does not mean A == C (fallacy of composition). While they are often used in things that are "proper seinen", they're also often used erroneously to unjustly earn the label (think Akame Ga Kill, Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made, etc). When things revolve Askkeladd, it's proper seinen, be it character, story or w.e, but when Thorfinn comes around doing his Naruto running, it's shounen in a mask.
Dec 29, 2019 1:37 PM
Sep 2017
Excellent adaptation of the manga. Easily 10/10 and AOTY.

Askeladd was a fantastic character(including Thorkell)
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Dec 29, 2019 1:43 PM

May 2018
Not gonna lie I'm kinda pissed that they gave Askeladd a honorable death, I didn't like him at all

But overall it was a good ending, went from 7/10 to 8/10
Dec 29, 2019 1:44 PM

Jun 2015
Yautja said:
Ottes said:

Stop thinking too much about demographics. In the Beastars episode you said Beastars should be seinen because seinen = mature themes and now in Vinland just because we have action sometimes = shounen. This is not how it works, lmao.

That's because that's not what I said at all, but an abhorrent straw-man. I said Beastars wasn't shounen and was either seinen or neither for a laundry list of reasons across multiple threads. I in absolutely no way said action = shounen (in fact, that is the opposite of what I've said). And in this thread I put the quotes around word mature for a reason, genius. It was sarcasm. Those things do not make something mature or seinen. That's literally the point of the comment you're quoting.

UglyBarnacle said:

People who find the show to be juvenile just for its violence and brutality (which I would completely disagree with) will find the next arc to be more their taste and truly "earn" its seinen label if S1 didnt already.
It's not that the violence or brutality is juvenile, it's that it's being used as a mask to give an air of maturity. Having violence, rape, murder, gore or whatever doesn't make something mature or appeal to an older audience, they're just things that are not typically appropriate for younger audiences; just because A != B, does not mean A == C (fallacy of composition). While they are often used in things that are "proper seinen", they're also often used erroneously to unjustly earn the label (think Akame Ga Kill, Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made, etc). When things revolve Askkeladd, it's proper seinen, be it character, story or w.e, but when Thorfinn comes around doing his Naruto running, it's shounen in a mask.

My point still stands. You are assigning a lot of things in demographics with these ''this is proper seinen'' or ''*character doing something* is shounen'' as if they were genres. Which they are not.
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